Dreams Come True

In 2013, CBC Radio in Ottawa held a "Hopes and Dreams" contest to help raise money for the Shephard's of Good Hope just before Xmas.  The premise of the contest was that CBC would pick a number of contestant's "Dreams" and the contestant that raised the most amount of money would have their dream realized.

I mentioned the contest to my partner, Adam, and explained that I always had a dream to have one of my paintings hang in the National Art Gallery of Canada so that my parents would be able to see it.  So Adam submitted my dream on my behalf, and to our surprise I was picked as one of the contestants!

We had only a week, so we were busy drumming up support for our idea.  I sold paintings with 100% of the proceeds going to the charity.  Friends, family, colleagues from actually all over Canada and the World had contributed in the hopes to fulfill my dream.  We raised almost $5000 dollars but came in second.  However,  they still granted me my dream of having my painting hang for one day in the National Art Gallery of Canada!!!

It was an amazing day!  My parents and sister flew in from Saskatchewan to be able to take part of the event.  

I was interviewed by CBC "All in the Day" of my experience and impressions.  

Overall, it was a very humbling experience for so many people to help me realize my dream.