Plein Air Competition

Part of my painting journey included me taking up plein air painting while living in the Netherlands.  (I attended a number of plein air painting workshops in France, which I may add as another musing at a later date.)

As I became more comfortable with the process, I decided to take part in a competition in Enkhuizen.  I packed my painting gear and took a train from The Hague to Enkhuizen. It was an overcast day but I found my subject; made a quick sketch to make sure that the composition was what I wanted; and went to work.  (In plein air painting, I had learnt that you have to paint quickly to catch the light that you want.  I am not a quick painter, hence, the reason why I need to paint small when plein air painting.  As well, this type of plein air experience has taught me that the light and colours that are captured by camera are not the same.  This has informed my studio work when I use photos as the basis of my work.)



Over all, it was an amazing experience.  At the end, I had to rush off to catch my train home.  I was pleasantly surprised to see my picture in the local paper.  A prize in itself!