The Foundation


When I was introduced to plein air painting, one kind artist recommended that I take an Ian Roberts workshop.  He said that it would give me the foundation that I needed.  Boy was he right!  Ian's workshop changed the way I approach my paintings.  It gave me new insight even how to look at artwork in general.  

A couple things that I learnt:

  • If it doesn't look good in black and white, it won't improve by adding color.
  • Watch the edges.  This is what leads your eye around a painting and you want to keep your eye in the painting.
  • And so much more....

With this foundational knowledge and many lessons learned, I do a pencil sketch as the first step of my painting process.  This allows me to check out the composition or "the bones" before I decide that it is worth moving to the next step of color.   It has saved me valuable time and resources of figuring out if a painting has the potential of working out at the end. 

If you are an artist, I would highly recommend checking out Ian Roberts youtube channel and on-line courses.